Regular report from the Commission on Turkey's progress towards accession 2000.
com document
Commision of the European Communities
2000-11-08View/ Open
Subject headings
External Enlargement ; EU RelationsAbstract
The European Council in Cardiff, which took place in June 1998, welcomed theCommission's confirmation that it would submit at the end of 1998 its first regular reportson each candidate's progress towards accession. In the case of Turkey, the EuropeanCouncil noted that “the report would be based on Article 28 of the AssociationAgreement1and the conclusions of the Luxembourg European Council”.The Commission presented its first regular report on Turkey in October 1998, togetherwith the regular reports for the other candidate countries, with a view to the ViennaEuropean Council; a second report was adopted in October 1999, with a view to theHelsinki European Council. The Helsinki European Council noted that the next regularreports for the candidate countries would be presented in good time before the EuropeanCouncil in December 2000.
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COM (2000) 713 final