Regular report from the Commission on Cyprus' progress towards accession 1999.

com document
European Commission
1999-10-13View/ Open
Subject headings
External Enlargement ; Human RightsAbstract
The European Council in Luxembourg decided that :"From the end of 1998, the Commission will make regular reports to the Council, together with anynecessary recommendations for opening bilateral intergovernmental conferences, reviewing theprogress of each Central and East European applicant State towards accession in the light of theCopenhagen criteria, in particular the rate at which it is adopting the Union acquis.” ..... “In thatcontext, the Commission will continue to follow the method adopted by Agenda 2000 in evaluatingapplicant States' ability to meet the economic criteria and fulfil the obligations deriving fromaccession.”After the European Council in Cardiff, the same approach was followed for Cyprus.
Number of pages
COM (99) 502 finalSections are bookmarked.