dc.description.abstract | Pre-accession Economic Programme (PEP) represents a comprehensive programme of the economic policy of the Republic of Croatia, which is prepared within the framework of multilateral fiscal surveillance. This year’s PEP, Croatia’s third in a row, examines in detail the direction of the country’s economic policy in the period 2007-2009. In addition to macroeconomic and fiscal policies, the document also analyses structural reforms planned to be implemented as support of the overall economic policy and further development of a modern, social market economy in the context of EU accession of the Republic of Croatia. The 2006 PEP should be viewed as an independent document, building however, in a certain way, on the previous PEP as it gives an assessment of the status of the Croatian economy and the country’s performance in the implementation of the structural measures announced under the 2005 PEP. Also, individual measures and the direction of policies that will remain unchanged in the forthcoming period vis-à-vis their plans under the previous year’s PEP, have not been analysed here in detail as greater emphasis has been placed on newer plans. |