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dc.contributor.authorEuropean Commission
dc.descriptionCOM(2012) 271 final
dc.descriptionSWD(2012) 149 final
dc.descriptionSWD(2012) 163 final
dc.descriptionSWD(2012) 164 final
dc.description.abstractRenewable energy enables us to diversify our energy supply. This increases our security of supply and improves European competitiveness creating new industries, jobs, economic growth and export opportunities, whilst also reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. Strong renewables growth to 2030 could generate over 3 million jobs1, including in small and medium sized enterprises. Maintaining Europe's leadership in renewable energy will also increase our global competitiveness, as "clean tech" industries become increasingly important around the world. In 2007 the European Union set the ambitious goal of achieving a 20% share of renewable energy and a 10% share of renewable energy in transport by 2020 and has flanked these objectives by a series of supporting policies2. The renewable energy goal is a headline target of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. At the start of 2012, these policies are beginning to work and the EU is currently on track to achieve its goals3 (see Chapter 1 of Staff Working Document).
dc.publisherEuropean Commission
dc.subjectEnergy Policy
dc.titleRenewable Energy: a major player in the European energy market .
dc.typecom document

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