Draft joint employment report. Annual growth survey 2012 annex III.
com document
European Commission
2011-11-23Subject headings
Economic and Financial Affairs ; Employment Labor MarketAbstract
This year's Joint Employment Report, mandated by Article 148 TFEU, is part of the Commission package to launch the 2012 European Semester. As key input to strengthened economic guidance, the JER underpins and expands on key employment messages contained in the Annual Growth Survey. The analysis and messages it contains are based on the employment and social situation in Europe, the implementation of the Employment Guidelines1as well as on the results of country examination of the National Reform Programmes that led to the country-specific recommendations adopted by the Council in July 2011 and of their implementation so far.
Number of pages
COM (2011) 815 final Annex IIIVOL. 4/5 - ANNEX III