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dc.contributor.authorEuropean Commission
dc.descriptionCOM (2000) 524 final
dc.description.abstractThe Council decisions establishing the various Community lending instruments1,2 require the Commission to inform the Council and Parliament each year of the use made of these instruments. However, in view of the moratorium on the construction of nuclear power stations within the EU, the fact that the appropriations allocated by the Council to the New Community Instrument (NCI) have been used up and the cessation of ECSC loans as the expiry of the ECSC Treaty in 2002 approaches, the Commission considers that there is no longer any need to inform the Council and Parliament of Community lending activities under the instruments applicable within the Community. This report contains only information concerning the repayment of loans (see the section on borrowings). 2. As for lending activities outside the Community, a decision adopted in 1997 requires the Commission to inform the Council and Parliament on an annual and a six-monthly basis of the situation regarding EIB loans guaranteed by the Community budget in central and eastern Europe, in the Mediterranean countries, in the Latin American and Asian countries and in South Africa.3 In order to meet this requirement, this report describes these operations for each of the areas concerned. It also gives a brief summary of macrofinancial assistance provided by the Community to central and eastern European countries.
dc.publisherEU Commission
dc.subjectBudgets and financing
dc.subjectExternal Relations
dc.titleReport from the Commission to the council and the European Parliament on the borrowing and lending activities of the community in 1999.
dc.typecom document

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