Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Semi-reluctant Hosts: Southern Europe’s Ambivalent Response to Immigration
(Mediterranean Migration Observatory, 2001-11-03)
The human tragedy of migration has become a regular feature of those southern European
countries with accessible coastlines (Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus), inhospitable
illegal border crossings (Italy and Greece) ...
"Immigration, Immigrants and Socialisation in Southern Europe: Patterns, Problems and Contradistinctions"
(Mediterranean Migration Observatory, 2002-11)
Southern European Labour Markets and Immigration: A Structural and Functional Analysis
(Mediterranean Migration Observatory, 2002-11)
Southern European countries, the ‘new’ immigration countries of the EU (Baldwin-Edwards
and Arango, 1999; King and Black, 1997) have experienced alongside mass illegal immigration
either already-high unemployment [Spain] ...
Migration into Southern Europe: Non-legality and labour markets in the region
(Mediterranean Migration Observatory, 2005-12)
This paper collates the limited empirical evidence concerning illegal boat migrations into
southern Europe, in order to identify the migrants' possible role in local, southern or European
labour markets. Drawing upon my ...