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dc.contributor.authorTimmermans, Frans
dc.contributor.authorKatainen, Jyrki
dc.contributor.authorEuropean Commission
dc.descriptionCOM(2017) 240
dc.description.abstractReflection paper on Harnessing Globalisation is the second reflection paper out of five that the European Commission announced when publishing its white paper on the Future of Europe. In comparison to the white paper and the reflection paper on the Social Dimension of Europe, the Globalisation paper does not provide any scenarios for the future. It provides the vision of the Commission of the current state of globalisation together with analysis of what has been positive and where globalisation has fallen short in providing benefits for all. Most importantly, the Commission for the first time admits that globalisation has to be fairer, that it has produced not only positive effects but also negative ones, that there are challenges to be addressed. Trade unions have long been calling for a fairer distribution of the benefits of globalisation, and finally we see this confirmed in the Commission’s Reflection Paper. The answer to globalisation is not to close borders – to trade or to people – but to apply rules that prevent a downward race to lower wages, bad employment conditions, social dumping and exploitation. Unfair business practices must end, including multinational companies dodging tax and avoiding labour law. Companies must make sure that when they go outside the European Union they pass on their responsibilities and obligations throughout the supply chain.
dc.publisherPublications Office
dc.subjectFinancial instruments
dc.subjectSocial global
dc.subjectTrade policy
dc.subjectSectoral policies
dc.titleReflection paper on harnessing globalisation

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