Now showing items 1-10 of 37
Seventh Report on Competition Policy (published in conjunction with the 'Eleventh General Report on the Activities of the Communities'). For year 1977.
(EU Commission, 1978-04)
The economy of Europe is undergoing a difficult period of transition. Much structuralweakness has become apparcnt or become worse following a reduction in demandeccompanied by increased pressure of imports. If structural ...
Tenth Report on Competition Policy (published in conjunction with the 'Fourteenth General Report on the Activities of the Communities in 1980')
(Official Journal of the European Communities, 1981)
The far-readling and recurrent consequences of the oil crisis, the upsurge in trade following the acceleration in the dismantling of tariff and non-tariff barriers in international trade and the relatively rapid development· ...
Sixth Report on Competition Policy (published in conjunction with the 'Tenth General Report on the Activities of the Communities'). For year 1976.
(EU Commission, 1977-04)
In 1976 the European economy suffered, to differing degrees among the Member States, from persisting and in some cases worsening inflation, unemployment, monetary disturbances and balance-of-payments disequilibria. In the ...
First Report on Competition Policy (annexed to the "Fifth General report on the Activities of the Commumnities"). For year 1971.
(Publications Office of the European Union, 1972-04)
In its "Resolution concerning the Rules on Competition and the position of European Enterprises within the Common Market and in the Wo!ld Economy" of7 June 1971, the European Parliament asked the Commission to make each ...
Second Report on Competition Policy (annexed to the "Sixth General Report on the Activities of the Communities").
(EU Commission, 1973-04)
The Commission's competition policy took on a new dimen-sion during 1972. At a time when the Community is preparing to achieve the gradual approximation of the Member States' eco-nomic policies, it is more than ever necessary ...
Fifth Report on Competition Policy (published in conjunction with the 'Ninth General Report on the Activities of the Communities'). For year 1975.
(EU Commission, 1976-04)
In times of economic difficulty competition policy must continue to make its influencefelt alongside all the other Community policies. Its function is to preserve a situationin which the structural changes that are needed ...
Third Report on Competition Policy (addendum to the 'Seventh General Report on the Activities of the Communities).
(EU Commission, 1973-05)
In what has become an essential and regular part of the dialogue between the European Parliament and the Commission, this report sums up developments in competition policy in 1973. This was a year when three new Member ...
XXXIth Report on competition policy 2001
(EU Commission, 2002)
The year 2001 saw intense activity in all three areas of competition policy: antinust, merger conffol and Stateaid. Several cases decided by the Commission aroused considerable public interest, either because ofparticularly ...
European Community competition policy 1999.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999)
Competition policy is relevant not only for those in business and their advisers, but also for the cit-izens of Europe, who need to have an overall view of how competition policy is implemented and ...
European Community competition policy 2000.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000)
The year 2000 has been a crucial year for compe-tition policy in many respects.The way firms conduct business and compete witheach other is rapidly evolving and competitionauthorities need to respond to these changes. ...