Working conditions of young entrants to the labour market = Συνθήκες εργασίας νέων σε ηλικία εισερχόμενων στην αγορά εργασίας: περίληψη
Corral, Antonio
Isusi, Iñigo
Corporate name
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working ConditionsDate
2013-12-19Subject headings
Young workers ; Labour market ; Working conditionsAbstract
Young workers across the EU, particularly young labour market entrants, are faced with major employment difficulties. High unemployment rates and poorer working conditions for young people have added new negative dimensions to the traditional problems of this group in accessing work. This report looks at the current working conditions of Europe’s young labour market entrants and how these conditions have evolved in recent years, especially during the crisis. It finds a greater prevalence of non-standard forms of employment among young workers.