Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Rapid reports population and social conditions. Population by citizenship in the EC -1.1.1991.
(Eurostat, 1993)
This Rapid Report gives for the first time an insight into the structure of the population of the EC by citizenship. It is the result of an intensive data collection programme that would have been impossible without the ...
Rapid reports Population and social conditions. Female population by citizenship in the european community.
(Eurostat, 1993-09)
This document is a followup to the Eurostat Rapid report on the population by citizenship (19936). It gives details of the females other than nationals living in each Member State, and provides data on their nationalities, ...
Rapid reports population and social conditions. The population of the European economic area in 1992.
(Eurostat, 1993-06)
On 1 January 1993 the population of the European Community stood at 347 million according to Eurostat estimates based on the latest figures available. At the same date the population of the European Economic Area (the ...