Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Report from the Commission to the Council and to the European Parliament on the borrowing and lending activities of the Community in 2001.
(EU Commission, 2002-12-03)
The Council decisions establishing the various Community lending instrumentsrequire the Commission to inform the Council and Parliament each year of the use made ofthese instruments.However, in view ...
General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2002.
(European Communities, 2002-01)
GENERAL PRESENTATIONThe 2002 general budget of the European Union was adopted after the European Parliament’s secondreading on 13 December 2001.It totalsQ98 635 million in commitment appropriations and 95 655 million in ...
Report on Community measures affecting tourism. Commission staff working paper.
(EU Commission, 2002-03-15)
Although not providing a legal basis for a specific Community tourism policy, Article 3(l)(u) of the current Treaty establishing the European Community refers to 'measures in the sphere of tourism' as part of the Community ...
Fourth report on implementation of Council Regulation 3577/92 applying the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime cabotage (1999-2000). Report from the Commission.
(EU Commission, 2002-04-24)
This is the fourth two-yearly report on the application of the cabotage Regulation. It coversthe years 1999 to 2000. Like the previous reports, this report has been based on a studycarried out on behalf ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 2001 and the outlook for 2002.
(EU Commission, 2002)
XXXIth Report on competition policy 2001
(EU Commission, 2002)
The year 2001 saw intense activity in all three areas of competition policy: antinust, merger conffol and Stateaid. Several cases decided by the Commission aroused considerable public interest, either because ofparticularly ...
Login Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. First results of the demographic data collection for 2001 in Europe.
(Eurostat, 2002-07-06)
The objective of this publication is to provide some basic demographic information for 2001. However, given the timetable (rapid questionnaire sent out in April 2002 with a return date of May), not all countries could ...
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Active population and labour market in the Mediterranean countries.
(Eurostat, 2002-10-17)
The population of the Mediterranean countries1 is currently relatively young, and it is forecast that the rates of growth in the active population of these countries will be amongst the highest in the world between 2000 ...