Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Strategy Paper of the European Commission on progress in the enlargement process. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.
(European Commission, 2004-10-06)
The enlargement of the EU to ten new Member States on 1 May 2004 has further strengthened the unity of the European continent. The historical and political arguments in favour of this enlargement ...
Regular report from the Commission on Turkey's progress towards accession 2004.
(European Commission, 2004-10-06)
The European Council in Cardiff in June 1998 noted that the Commission would present a report on Turkey based on Article 28 of the Association Agreement and the conclusions of the Luxembourg European Council of December ...
Recommendation of the European Commission on Turkey’s progress towards accession. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.
(European Commission, 2004-10-06)
EU-Turkey relations have a long history. In 1963 Turkey and the EEC entered into an Association Agreement containing a membership perspective. In 1995, a customs union was formed and, in Helsinki in December ...