Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Progress report on implementation of the LIFE regulation and evaluation of the action by the Community relating to the environment ACE, MEDSPA, NORSPA, and ACNAT. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 1973/92 establishing a financial instrument for the environment (LIFE).
(European Commission, 1995-04-12)
The first stage of the Life instrument, which was created by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1973/921 and entered into force on 23 July 1992, comes to a close on 31 December 1995. Under that regulation the Commission undertook ...
Compendium of Community monetary texts 1994
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995-07-12)
Report on the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers and on the Protocol on Social Policy annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community.
(European Commission, 1995-05-25)
The Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers was. adopted by eleven of the heads of state and government at the European Council of Strasbourg on 8 and 9 December 1989. The Protocol on Social Policy ...
European Union financial report 1995
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995)
This principle, w·hich is enshrined in At1icle 199 of the Treaty, means that all EU expendi-ture and revenue must be incorporated m a single budget document. In the early years of the Community, the autonomy of the ...
European Communities financial report 1994
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995)
The basic budget principles Six basic principles govern the budget of the European Union: Unity This principle, which is enshrined in Article 199 of the Treaty, means that all EU expenditure · and revenue must be incor-porated ...
ECSC financial report 1994
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995)
Economic background and development of ECSC industries The economic situation in the European Union in 1994 1994 saw a resumption of economic growth. According to the most recent Commission estimates, made 1n May 1995, ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1994 and the outlook for 1995.
(EU Commission, 1995-04-05)
Article 46 of the ECSC Treaty states that, to provide guidance on the course of action to be followed by a,ll concerned, and to deterJ?ine its own course of action, t~e Commission must conduct a study· of market an~ price ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1994 and the outlook for 1995
(EU Commission, 1995-10-03)