Now showing items 1-10 of 55
Convergence and budgetary questions. Communication from the Commission to the Council.
(European Commission, 1979-10-31)
Compendium of Community monetary texts 1979
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1979-03-29)
Convergence and budgetary questions. Communication to the European Council - Dublin 29 and 30, November 1979.
(European Commission, 1979-11-21)
The Commission has made two communications to theCouncil of Ministers (COM(79) 462 of 12 S~ptembe-r andCOM(79)620 of 31 October) analysing certain problemsconnected with e~onomic convergence and budgetary. matterswi thin ...
Report on the development of the social situation in the European Community in 1978
(European Commission, 1979-04)
Seventh report on the activities of the European Social Fund - financial year 1978.
(European Commission, 1979-06-29)
This is the annual report of tt;<'c E.c.~op~an Social Fund for 1978 submitted by the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council in. accord-ance wHh Article 6 of Council Regule.tion.CEEC) No 858/72 (1) which reads ...
Inventory of taxes levied by the State and the local authorities (Länder, départements, régions, districts, provinces, communes) in the Member States of the European Communities.
(EU Commission, 1979)
The Commission of the European Communities - Directorate-general XV "Financial Institutions and Taxation" publishes a survey of the duties and taxes in force in the Member States of the EEC. The present ...
ECSC financial report 1978
(European Commission, 1979)
In 1978, as in the preceding year, the rate of economic growth in the Community was low: 2,6% against 2,3% in 1977. Forecasts for 1979 point to a slight acceleration in the growth rate to around 3,5% in 1979. In 1978,_t_be ...
ECSC financial report 1977
(European Commission, 1979)
ECSC financial report 1979
(EU Commission, 1979)
Revision of the Community coal market forecasts for 1979.
(Commission of the European Communities, 1979-11-07)