Browsing by Subject "Taxation"
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2002 in the tax field. 27 January 2003
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2003-01-27) -
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2003 in the tax field. 27 January 2004
(Brussels, 2004-01-27)Events and Commission initiatives which are not tax-specific but which contain an important tax dimension are included in the Annex to this Report. Activities etc. are listed in date order. -
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2004 in the tax field. 4 February 2005
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2005-02-04) -
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2005 in the tax field. 2 February 2006
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2006-02-02)The European Commission’s October Report ‘European Values in a Globalised World’, its contribution to the Informal Summit of Heads of State and Government on 27 October in the UK states that unless we ... -
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2006 in the tax field. 24 January 2007
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2007-01-24) -
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2007 in the tax field. 15 January 2008
(EU Commission, 2007-01-15) -
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2008 in the tax field.
(EU Commission, 2009-02-04)The main objectives of a coherent and coordinated tax approach are to: •Remove discrimination and double taxation, •Prevent unintended non-taxation and abuse, and •Reduce the compliance costs associated with being ... -
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2009 in the tax field.
(EU Commission, 2010-03-03) -
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2010 in the tax field.
(EU Commission, 2011-02-09) -
Activities of the European Union (EU) in 2011 in the tax field.
(EU Commission, 2011-02-09) -
Charges fiscales des entreprises = Steuerlasten der unternehmen = Taxes payable by the companies.
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1964-01-01)TAXES PAYABLE BY THE COMPANIES. -
Charges fiscales des entreprises = Steuerlasten der unternehmen = Taxes payable by the companies.
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1964-01-15)Taxes payable by the companies. -
Charges fiscales des entreprises = Taxation of companies.
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1964-10-01)Le présent catalogue a pour objet de donner sous une forme suc-cincte un aperçu général sur les impôts payés par les entreprises et notamment les sociétés sidérurgiques des six pays de la Communauté, de la Grande-Bretagne, ... -
Commission report to the Council presented in accordance with Article 3 of the Council Decision 89/683/EEC of 21 December 1989. Application of a measure derogating from Article 2 of the sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - Common system of value added tax. Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the French Republic to extend the application of a measure derogating from Article 2 of the sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes.
(EU CommissionBrussels, 1992-12-22)By Council Decision 89/683/EEC of 21 December 1989,1 France was authorized, on the basis of Article 27 of the sixth VAT Directive and following the entry into force of the eighteenth VAT Directive, to introduce special VAT ... -
Excise duty tables. April 2000
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2000-04)In collaboration with the Member States, the European Commission has established the HEXCISE DUTY TABLES" showing rates in force in the Member States of the European Union . This publication aims to provide up-to-date ... -
Excise duty tables. April 2001
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2001-04)This publication aims to provide up-to-date information on Member States main excise duty rates as they apply to typical products. It is intended that Member States will regularly communicate to the Commission all ... -
Excise duty tables. April 2003
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2003-04) -
Excise duty tables. July 2000
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2000-07) -
Excise duty tables. July 2001
(EU CommissionBrussels, 2001-07)