Now showing items 1-7 of 7

  • Analysis of the responses to the public consultation on the integration and inclusion of migrants and people with a migrant background 

    Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs; ICF Consulting Services Limited (Directorate-General for Migration and Home AffairsLuxembourg, 2020-12-03)
    The public consultation on the integration and social inclusion of migrants and people with migrant background ran from 22nd July until 21st October 2020. The objective of the public consultation was to collect the views ...
  • Good practices for sustainable cruise tourism 

    Ramboll Management Consulting; Deloitte, Consulting B.V; Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (European Commission) (Publications Office of the European UnionLuxembourg, 2023-03-01)
    This study gathered and analysed available evidence on cruise tourism to support cruise stakeholders in moving forward on sustainability. It took place against a policy background of the European Green Deal, the European ...
  • Good practices for sustainable cruise tourism 

    Consulting B.V, Deloitte; Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (European Commission); Ramboll Management Consulting (Publications Office of the European UnionLuxembourg, 2023-01-03)
    This study gathered and analysed available evidence on cruise tourism to support cruise stakeholders in moving forward on sustainability. It took place against a policy background of the European Green Deal, the European ...
  • Opinion on Democracy in the digital age 

    Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission); European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (European Commission); Biller-Andorno, Nikola; Céu Patrão Neves, Maria do; Laukyte, Migle; Łuków, Paweł; Mallia, Pierre (Publications Office of the European UnionLuxembourg, 2023-06-20)
    Recent years have seen profound challenges to democracy, including grave populist and autocratic shifts. In the Opinion, the EGE examines how certain configurations of digital technologies can contribute to a weakening of ...
  • Study on the practical implementation of the provisions of the audiovisual media services directive concerning the promotion of European works in audiovisual media services 

    Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (European Commission); Kantar Public; Spark Legal Network; Mosoreanu, Marius; Podobea, Vlad; Ulicna, Daniela; Nunu, Madalina; Dominguez, María; Giannoulas, Alexandros (Publications Office of the European UnionBrussels, 2023)
    This report analyses the implementation of Articles 13, 16 and 17 of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). These articles concern the promotion of European works by broadcasters and video on demand service ...
  • Technical assistance in realisation of the 5th report on progress of renewable energy in the EU final update report. Task 1 & 2 

    Klessmann, Corinna; Sach, Thobias; Grigiene, Migle; Rosa, Marika; Billerbeck, Anna; Ferreira, Paula; Resch, Gustav; Jakob, Martin; Schöniger, Franziska; Horváth, Gábor (Publications Office of the European UnionBrussels, 2021-07-07)
    At an EU-level, the shares of renewable energy sources (RES) in total, electricity (RES-E), heating and cooling (RES-H&C), and to a lesser extent also transport (RES-T) have been continuously increasing over the past years. ...

    Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (European Commission) (European CommissionLuxembourg, 2021-12-14)
    This toolkit aims to assist all relevant stakeholders at European, national, regional and local levels in designing and implementing integration policies targeted at people with a migrant background, through the coordinated ...

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