Now showing items 1-4 of 4

  • Becoming the world’s second largest battery producer 

    European court of auditors (Publications Office of the European UnionLuxembourg, 2022-05)
    Transport accounts for around a quarter of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. If the EU is to achieve climate neutrality, it will need to reduce its transport-related emissions by 90 % by 2050. Among other measures, ...
  • Compliance Report ESM Stability Support Programme for Greece Fourth Review 

    European Commission (European CommissionBrussels, 2018-07)
    In July 2015, after the expiry of the previous programmesupported by EFSF financing, Greece requested the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) financial assistance, to restore fiscal sustainability, address the ...
  • EU support for public projects in the tourism sector 

    European Court of Auditors (European CommissionLuxembourg, 2020-11)
    he European Union is the world's most visited region. In 2019, the EU recorded 577 million international tourist arrivals, 39.5 % of the global total. In 2018, the EU's international tourism receipts stood at €407 billion1. ...
  • What is an EU Macro-Regional Strategy? 

    European Commission (European CommissionLuxembourg, 2017)
    A European Union (EU) macro-regional strategy is a policy framework which allows countries located in the same region to jointly tackle and find solutions to problems or to better use the ...

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