BACKGROUND 1 COMPETITIVENESS COUNCIL (Internal market, Industry and Research)
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General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
2004-09-24View/ Open
Subject headings
Internal Market ; Industry ; ResearchAbstract
The Council session under the chair of Mr. Brinkhorst, Dutch Minister for Economic Affairs and
Mrs. Van der Hoeven Dutch Minister for Education, Science and Culture, will start on Friday 24
September at 10 o’clock.
Upon the initiative of the Presidency and for the first time, the meeting will be opened by an
exchange of views on the general economic situation and competitiveness. Then, the Council is
expected to adopt conclusions on industrial policy and structural change. It will continue its work
on simplification of the legislation and better regulation and, it will be informed by Commissioner
Bolkestein on the state of implementation of the Internal Market legislation.
The remaining agenda will be covered by a series of internal market and research items. The
Council will endeavour to reach a political agreement on the following internal market proposals:
phthalates Directive, sales promotions Regulation and on machines Directive.
Regarding research, the Council will reflect on possible scenarios and lines to take concerning
ITER international negotiations. Ministers will also be called to exchange their views and adopting
conclusions on EU research policy, in particular regarding the evaluation of the new instruments of
6the Framework and the future European Union policy to support research. The last point on the
agenda concerns the adoption of conclusions on different actions proposed by the Commission on