Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Labour Force Survey Principal results 2002 EU and EFTA countries. 2003
working document
2003View/ Open
Subject headings
Employment ; Labor Market ; Social ConditionsAbstract
The spring 2002 Labour Force Survey provides the following estimates for the 374.8 million people living in private households in the EU: > 163.0 million had a job during the reference week of the survey: - 64.2% of the population aged 15-64 was employed. The employment rate was as high as 70% or more in Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom, and also in the three EFTA countries. It was less than 60% in Belgium, Greece Spain and Italy. The employment rate was on average 17.4 percentage points higher for males (72.9% at EU level against 55.5% for females). In Finland and Sweden, the difference did not reach 4 percentage points compared to 24 percentage points or more in Greece, Spain, Italy and Luxembourg.
Number of pages
Downloaded from EU Bookshop.EUROSTAT:THEME 3:STATISTICS IN FOCUS/RAPID REPORTS:Industry and Services: Labour Market; Costs; Earnings; Wages; Working Conditions, etc.