Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. PUBLIC EXPENDITURE ON EDUCATION IN THE EU. 1998.15
working document
1998View/ Open
Subject headings
Social Conditions ; Educational trainingAbstract
The countries of the EU are in general making considerable efforts in the field of education, with total public expenditure on all levels accounting for 5.2% on average of the GDP of the Fifteen in 1995. With a few ex-ceptions, this average corresponds fairly closely to the situation in the individual Member States. However, expenditure per pupil/student varies much more widely in primary, secondary and tertiary edu-cation alike, although in all Member States the unit costs increase in proportion with the level of education. The amount of financial aid awarded to pupils/students varies very widely from one country to another -from 16% of total expenditure in Denmark to less than 1 % in Greece. Financial aid is mainly awarded to students in tertiary education. Practically all the countries spend over 65% of the education budget on staff costs, the EU-15 average be-ing 73%.
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