Αποτελέσματα 1-10 από 215
Air pollution by ozone in Europe in summer 2006: Overview of exceedances of EC ozone threshold values for April–September 2006
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007)
Air pollution by ozone across Europe during summer 2011: Overview of exceedances of EC ozone threshold values for April–September 2011
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2012)
Air pollution by ozone across Europe during summer 2009: Overview of exceedances of EC ozone threshold values for April–September 2009
(Office for Official Publications of the European Union, 2010)
Agriculture and Fisheries Council: background
(Council of the European Union, 2004-11-23)
Management of contaminated sites in Western Europe
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000)
Air quality in Europe : 2013 report
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2013)
This report presents an overview and analysis of air quality in Europe from 2002 (or later, pending data availability) to 2011. It reviews progress towards meeting the requirements of the air quality directives and gives ...
Application of the emissions trading directive by EU Member States: Report ing year 2006
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007)
Mapping the impacts of recent natural disasters and technological accidents in Europe
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003)