Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the Community. 1991.3
working document
1991-02-21View/ Open
Subject headings
Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentAbstract
The seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate In the European Community Is estimated by Eurostat, after correction of the differences between national meth-ods of recording unemployment, at 8.4% for the month of January 1991. This represents the same level as the previous month and a decrease of 0.1% in rela-tion to January 1990. The stability of the unemployment rate for the whole Community, observed over the last 6 months masks contrasting trends In various Member States: a conti-nuing Increase in the United Kingdom where the rate has risen from 6.3% to 7.2% and a continuing decrease in the Federal Republic of Germany (former Lander) where the rate has fallen 0.5%. In at least two Member States, there seems to have been a reversal in the trend: Ireland, whose rate of unemployment decreased continually between 1987 and 1990 (-2.4%), has experienced an increase of 0.5% over the last 3 months, while during the same period there has been a decrease of 0.6% in Denmark where I' there was an upward trend ( + 2.2%) between 1987 and 1990. _. ~ ~ ~~ . The tr?nd in the unemployment rate among young persons i~~:n ~an'ua~; ~ · , 1990 IS more favourable than among unemployed person ~WfloJ,e: (lQJi a against -0.1 %)). Considerable decreases in Spain (-2.5%) and · Wk) and significant increases in the United Kingdom ( + 1.8%) and in Ire and ( + 1.5%) have been observed.
Number of pages
Multilingual in English and French. Text is faded/light in some places.Theme 3 Population and social conditions Series B Short-term trends