Second Report on Competition Policy (annexed to the "Sixth General Report on the Activities of the Communities").

working document
EU Commission
1973-04Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Competition Policy ; Energy PolicyΠερίληψη
The Commission's competition policy took on a new dimen-sion during 1972. At a time when the Community is preparing to achieve the gradual approximation of the Member States' eco-nomic policies, it is more than ever necessary that the Com-mission should see to it that the fundamental rules of the Treaty are observed, ana, in particular, that effective competition between undertakings is maintained. Community competition policy towards undertakings, being a basic policy supported by effective national competition poli-cies, can help considerably to influence the economic conditions characterizing this day and age. For the bans imposed by the Commission on restrictive practices or abuses .under its com-petition rules help iIi the fight against inflation, since they elimi~ nate the unjustified advantages which some undertakings may derive from fragmentation of markets. The Council of Minister~; called upon to consider what action should be taken to control inflation, has realized what effects a strict competition policy could have on prices, even though such effect,s would generally make themselves felt only in the medium term. In its resolution of October 31st,' 1972, the Council. noted "the determination expressed by the Commission to strengthen its action against restraints of competition which may derive either from horizontal price agreements, concerted practices with regard to' prices or price discriminatory measures applied by undertakings in domi-n~nt positions, or from market-sharing agreements or other restrictive practices pursued by undertakings the. purpose of which is to maintain the fragmentation of the markets, orfrom self limitation agreements,' wherever such agreements hamper the Community's commercial policy."
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