Browsing Air transport by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 68
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Transport survey No. 1
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1981)Les engu8tes sont effectu6es parsUndersfgelserne foretages af :Die Unfragen werden tl.r:rchgeftihrt durch:Le indagiai sono effettuate d.a:De eaqu?tes rcord-en uitgevoerd. d.oortThe surveys are undertaken by:3 Institut du ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Transport survey No. 2
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1981)Les engu8tes sont effectu6es par!Undersfgelserne foretages af:Die Urnfragen werden durchgeftihrt durch:Le indagini sono effettuate d.a:De enqu6tes word.en uitgevoerd. d.oor:The zurveys are und.ertaken by:3 Institut du ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts. First annual report 1981
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1981)Given of the present situation on, and like1ydevelopnents ln 1t81 in, the market for the camiage of good.sbetween Memober States. Certain significant d.etails are alsogiven about the particular situation facing each mode ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Transport survey No. 4
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1981) -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Transport survey No. 3
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1981) -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1981
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1982)Is given of the present situation on, and like1ydevelopnents ln 1t81 in, the market for the camiage of good.sbetween Memober States. Certain significant d.etails are alsogiven about the particular situation facing each ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1982
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1982)INTRODUCTION"AnaLysis and Forecasts 1982" for freight transport between t{ember statesis part of the economic analysis undertaken by the Commission servicesin the Market Observation System, The preLiminary forecasts for ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1982
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1983)The contents of this Annual Report are as follows:Chapter 1: General Market Assessment and prospectsChapter 2: RoadChapter 3: Inland Water$raysChapter 4: RailChapter 5: Combined Transportchapter 6: Geographical structure ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1983
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1983)Includes general Trends in Transport Activity. -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1983
(EU Commission, 1984)Report the results of theObservation of the Transport Market System, have been restructuredfor L982. Under the umbrella title of EUROPA TRANsPORT, the foltowingthree reports are published:: llii{'i.;::.'orecastst"larket ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1984
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1984) -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1984
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1985)General market assessment and prospects. Three reports are Published :- Analysis and Forecasts- Annual RePort- Market DeveloPments. -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1985
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1985)Includes General trends in transport activity, Modal activity analysis, Geographical analysis, NST classification, Quantities of goods transported. -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1985
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1986)Three reports are published :- Analysis and Forecasts- Annual Report- Market Developments -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1986
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1987)PRESENTATION OF THE 1986, ANNUAL REPORT. -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1987
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1987)In its Report to the Council on the t"larket Observation Systemin October 1984, the Commission indicated a number ofimprovements that it was seeking in the Road Directive.Particularly relevant to this Report were the ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1988
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1988)Describes the background deveLopment of internationalrnf,ra-uommunity goods transport by'Hire and Reward'road hau_riers from 1981 to 1996. 0n an intra-EuR-10 basis, traffic grewby 269o and addition of spain and portugal ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1987
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1988)Three reports are published:- Analysis and Forecasts- Annual Report- Market Developments . -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1988
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1990)Tho lntroduct lon of the Slngle Admlnlstrat lve (Customs)Document on 1st January 1988 has, Indlrectly, lead to conslderabledelays In the preparatlon of the 1988 Annual Report. Theso delays'are due to the fact that, for ... -
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1989
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1990)of the results of a study by PROGNOS (Swltzerland) to Justlfythe groy{th rate of road haulage. At that tlme, the results ofthe PROGNOS work (a multl-cllont study) were stlllconfldentlal, but the prlnclpal rosults have slnce ...