Impact assessment accompanying the document: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Renewable energy: a major player in the European energy market

working document
European Commission
Subject headings
Renewable sources ; Energy PolicyAbstract
The Impact Assessment (IA) work started in autumn 2011. An Impact Assessment Steering Group (IASG) was established in November 2011 and met 3 times until February 2012 to discuss the various sections of the IA, including: problem definition, objectives, policy options, assessment of impacts and comparison of options. The IASG included the following DGs: AGRI, BUDG, CLIMA, COMP, ECFIN, EMPL, ENTR, ENV, INFSO, JRC, MARE, MARKT, MOVE, REGIO, RTD, SANCO, SG, and TAXUD.