2010 Annual report on the implementation of Regulation (EC) 300/2008 on common rules in the field civil aviation security.
COM Document
EU Commission
2011-10-19View/ Open
Subject headings
Transportation policy ; Transportation AirAbstract
29 April 2010 marked the date at which Regulation (EC) No 300/2008 and its implementing provisions entered into force. This new regulatory framework consolidated and repealed for clarification reasons European legal acts adopted under the former framework of Regulation (EC) No 2320/2002. Furthermore, it took into account technical developments and procedural evolutions and provided more detail on such in response to recent unlawful acts in the area of civil aviation security. As a result, standards for certain types of screening equipment and screening procedures were refined and additional new screening methods based on common basic standards were adopted. Additionally, rules and conditions for passengers carrying liquids on to aircraft were completed. Throughout the year, the Commission worked steadily with Member States and the industry to harmonise a smooth and homogenous implementation of the aforementioned new legal framework. The scientific community and manufacturers focussed on releasing technologies which would allow passengers to carry liquids on to aircraft. First trials on such equipment were implemented at European airports. Further trials took place on the use of security scanners. On the wider stage, regular discussions continued with international organisations to find global solutions to common problems. With the Yemen cargo incident and the EU mail parcel incidents in late October 2010 attention was once again, and forcibly, directed towards a new threat. This was yet another reminder – less than a year after the incident on Northwest Airlines flight 253 from Amsterdam Schiphol to Detroit on Christmas 2009 – that extremist groups continue to regard civil aviation as an attractive target and continue to seek ways to avoid detection by the current screening techniques. It served to underline the vital nature of the work being done by the Commission and its partners towards protecting travellers and the European aviation industry as a whole and triggered the establishment of a report and action plan to strengthen air cargo security that was endorsed by the Transport Council and the JHA Council in December 2010. As internal and external security are insepareble, addressing threats even far away from our continent is essential to protecting Europe and its citizens. The Commission is working closely with the new established EEAS to this effect.
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http://aei.pitt.edu/id/eprint/42511COM (2011) 649 final