COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION ON THE PROMOTION OF INLAND WATERWAY TRANSPORT “NAIADES” An Integrated European Action Programme for Inland Waterway Transport {SEC(2006) 34}.
COM Document
EU Commission
2006-01-17View/ Open
Subject headings
Transportation policyAbstract
Europe’s freight transport system has much room for improvement. Congestion, capacity problems and delays affect mobility and economic competitiveness and are detrimental to the environment and quality of life. The EU has committed itself to pursue the goal of shifting transport to less energy-intensive, cleaner and safer transport modes. Inland waterway transport is an obvious choice to play a more prominent role in reaching these targets. Concrete actions are needed to fully exploit the market potential of inland navigation and to make its use more attractive. Given that inland navigation is often a cross-border transport mode, action at both national and Community level is required. This Communication sets out an integrated action programme. In order to attain its objectives, the European Commission invites Member States to play an active role in the implementation of the action programme.