Regular report from the Commission on Malta's progress towards accession 1999.

com document
European Commission
1999-10-13View/ Open
Subject headings
External Enlargement ; Human Rights ; Economic criteriaAbstract
On request of the General Affairs Council in October 1998, the Commission presented inFebruary 1999 a report updating the Commission's opinion on Malta's application formembership, following Malta's decision to re-activate its membership application, which hadbeen frozen since November 1996. In its conclusion the Commission stated that "theCommission will prepare a regular report, setting out in detail the state of play regarding Malta’spreparations for membership, which would be submitted at the end of the year along withreports on the other candidate countries and their progress towards accession. The Commissionexpects that, at that juncture, when the European Council discusses the possibility of extendingthe accession negotiations, Malta will be able to join the candidate countries with whichnegotiations are already underway."
Number of pages
COM (99) 508 final