Ten issues to watch in 2024. In-depth analysis

Explanatory Notes
Bassot, Étienne
Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services
2024Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Adaptation to climate change ; Digital transformation ; Disinformation ; Economic reconstruction ; Economic recovery ; European election ; Food security ; Green economy ; India ; International criminal law ; Motor vehicle industry ; National election ; Russia ; Ukraine ; United StatesΠερίληψη
This is the eighth edition of an annual EPRS publication aimed at identifying and framing some of the key issues and policy areas that have the potential to feature prominently in public debate and on the political agenda of the European Union over the coming year. The topics analysed encompass young Europeans and the European elections, fake reality and disinformation in a year of elections, the delivery on the twin transition, climate overshoot and adaptation, the future of the EU automotive sector, financing Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction, prosecution of international core crimes and reparation for victims in Russia's war on Ukraine, El Niño's knock-on effects on food security, the 2024 US elections, and India's rise.
Αριθμός σελίδων
DOI 10.2861/343651Catalogue number QA-BR-24-001-EN-N