Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. How is the time of women and men distributed in Europe?.
(Statistical Office of the European Communities and Social Statistics, 2005-11-28)
Although patterns of time use are generally quite similar throughout Europe, some interesting differences can be observed between women and men and between the countries surveyed. On average, women aged ...
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. The entrepreneurial gap between women and men.
Promoting entrepreneurship and self-employment is one of the four Pillars of the Employment Guidelines which lie at the heart of the European Employment Strategy. Although the question of women's self-employment is not ...
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. The economic activity of women in the European Union.
(Statistical Office of the European Communities and Social Statistics, 1997)
66% of men and 45% of women in the European Union as a whole were economically active in 1995. The activity rate of women is lower than that of men in every single Member State. Similarly, for each age-group the activity ...