Now showing items 11-20 of 46
Report from the Commission to the Council on the follow-up to 2007 Discharge Decisions
(EU Commision, 2009-12-10)
As the Treaties and Financial Regulations require, the Commission has prepared Follow-up Reports to the 2007 discharges, which relate to the Council Recommendation of 10 February 2009 and the Resolutions voted by the ...
Report from the Commission to the Council on the follow-up to 2006 Discharge Decisions (Summary)
(EU Commision, 2008-10-15)
As the Treaties and Financial Regulations require, the Commission has prepared Follow-up Reports to the 2006 discharges, which relate to the Council Recommendation of 12 February 2008 and the Resolutions voted by the ...
Commission staff working document accompanying the report from the Commission to the European Parliament on the follow-up to 2007 Discharge Decisions
(EU Commision, 2009-10-16)
This Commission Staff Working Document completes the Report from the Commission to the Parliament on the Follow-up to 2007 Discharge Decisions {COM(2009)XXX final}. It presents in detail the answers to the 203 ...
Economic situation in the Community. (Communication for the European Council, London, 29 and 30 June 1977).
(EU Commision, 1977-06-24)
Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European economic and social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Fourteenth Report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European Commission, 2014-07-23)
Since the euro was adopted by Latvia on 1 January 2014, the euro area comprises 18 EU Member States. Following the Council Decision of 23 July 2014 concluding that Lithuania fulfils the necessary ...
Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Central Bank, the European economic and social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.Fifteenth Report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European Commission, 2014-11-21)
The Council decided on 23 July 2014 that Lithuania fulfils the necessary conditions for the adoption of the euro1. Lithuania will adopt the euro on 1 January 2015 ("€-day"). This will bring ...
Report from the Commission.Twelfth Report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European Commission, 2013-07-23)
Since the adoption of the euro by Estonia on 1 January 2011, the euro area consists of seventeen EU Member States. Among the remaining eleven Member States, nine Member States are expected to ...
Report from the Commission. Thirteenth Report on the practical preparations for the future enlargement of the euro area.
(European Commission, 2013-12-03)
The Council decided on 9 July 2013 that Latvia fulfils the necessary conditions for the adoption of the euro1. Latvia will adopt the euro on 1 January 2014 ("€-day"), bringing the total ...
European Economy. 2000 Broad economic policy guidelines. Convergence report 2000. Proposal for a Council decision in accordance with Article 122(2) of the Treaty for the adoption by Greece of the single currency on 1 January 2001. Statistical annex. Number 70 2000
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000-04-12)
The Treaty requires Member States to conduct their eco-nomic policies with a view to contributing to the achieve-ment of the objectives of the Union and in the context ofthe broad economic policy guidelines (BEPGs) ...