Now showing items 1-3 of 3
First consumer markets scoreboard. Commission staff working document accompany the communication on monitoring consumer outcomes in the single market.
(EU Commision, 2008-01-29)
Data on the number of consumer complaints constitute a key indicator of markets failing to deliver against consumers' expectations. In some Member States, public authorities and other third party organisations (enforcement ...
The consumer conditions scoreboard. Consumers at home in the single market.
(Office for Officail Publications of the European Office, 2012-12-10)
The Consumer scoreboard provides an evidence base for policy action and regula-tion that is driven by a better understanding of real outcomes for consumers. It helps policy makers to ensure that ...
The consumer markets scoreboard.
(Office for Officail Publications of the European Office, 2010-10-10)
Innovation and increased effi ciency are key to maintaining and improving the competitive advantage of the EU. Consumer policy can play an important role in stimulating both innova-tion and effi ciency. Eff ...