Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Public opinion in Member States as a factor in the debate on Turkey’s EU membership
(SEESOX - South East European Studies, Oxford., 2005)
Greek-Turkish Economic Cooperation:Guarantor of Détente or Hostage to Politics?
(SEESOX - South East European Studies, Oxford., 2008-03)
The post-1999 expansion in Greek-Turkish economic exchanges has led to hopes in
some quarters of a ‘decoupling’ of relations from the constrictive bonds imposed by
traditional bilateral politics. The ultimate goal would ...
Greece’s new Balkan Economic Relations: policy shifts but no structural change
(Hellenic Observatory, LSE, 2007-04)
The advent of transition in the former communist countries set in
motion significant changes not only in the countries concerned but
also in the economic and geo-political environment of Greece.
Together with many positive ...
Modernization and Centre-Left Dilemmas in Greece: the Revenge of the Underdogs.
(Hellenic Observatory, LSE, 2008-04)
This paper argues that the recent decline in the hegemony of the
centre-left in Greece is related to the ideas of modernization that
have dominated that tradition over the past few years. The tendency
to conceptualize ...
Anti-Americanism in Greece: reactions to the 11-S, Afghanistan and Iraq.
(Hellenic Observatory, LSE, 2007-09)
Ever since the military junta rule in Athens in the late 1960s – early 1970s and
especially following the Turkish invasion of part of Cyprus in 1974, Greece has
shown strong signs of anti-Americanism. A phenomenon that is ...
Greece closes its third pipeline deal: Loose ends and solid prospects in the wake of the South Stream agreement.
(SEESOX -South East European Studies at Oxford, 2008-06)