Now showing items 1-10 of 29
Annual growth survey 2012. Communication from the Commission.
(EU Commission, 2011-11-23)
The Autumn forecasts for 2011-2013 published by the Commission on 10 November 2011 show that economic recovery has come to a standstill and that low levels of confidence are adversely affecting ...
Progress report on Europe 2020.
(EU Commission, 2011-03-23)
The presentation of this Annual Growth Survey, which marks the start of the first "European Semester", comes at a turning point for the European Union. Two years on, Europe is slowly emerging from recession. Recovery ...
Draft joint employment report. Annual growth survey 2011 annex 3.
(EU Commission, 2011-01-12)
This year's Joint Employment Report, mandated by Article 148 TFEU, is part of the Commission package to launch the European Semester. As key input to strengthened economic guidance, the JER ...
Growth-friendly tax policies in Member States and better tax coordination in the EU.
(EU Commission, 2011-11-23)
For the first time this report on "Growth friendly tax policies in Member States and better tax coordination" forms part of the Commission package to launch the European Semester 2012. The present report also ...
Annual growth survey: advancing the EU's comprehensive response to the crisis. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
(EU Commission, 2010-01-12)
This first Annual Growth Survey marks the start of a new cycle of economic governance in the EU and the first European semester of economic policy coordination. The EU has taken decisive ...
Progress report on the Europe 2020 strategy.
(EU Commission, 2011-11-23)
In 2010, the European Council agreed on a comprehensive response to the challenges that Europe is currently facing: the Europe 2020 strategy. In the current climate, this strategy has become more ...
State of the single market integration 2013. Contribution to the annual growth survey 2013.
(EU Commission, 2012-11-28)
An integrated Single Market is a key driver for economic growth and jobs and offers additional opportunities for European citizens. It therefore plays a central role in achieving the objectives of the Europe ...
Macro-economic report . (Annual growth survey 2013 annex).
(EU Commission, 2011-10-28)
The EU economy continues to struggle with the post-financial crisis correction. Financial tensions have continued in the euro area before the summer, while the global economy has decelerated reducing the ...
Macro-economic report.
(EU Commission, 2011-11-23)
EU economic growth is faltering. In the euro area, this is exacerbated by the sovereign debt crisis and fragilities in the banking sector. These have created a dangerous feedback loop. The lack of confidence ...
Macro-economic report.
(EU Commission, 2011-01-12)
Member States' actions in 2011-2012 will be critical in averting a "lost-decade scenario". Policy priorities, timing and content will have to be set according to national circumstances and reflect inter alia the risks to ...