Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Statistical bulletin. Population. Updating of Principal Demographic Series 1983.
(Eurostat, 1984)
Eurostat's annual publication "Demographic Statistics" contains detailed figures of the population by sex and age groups, births, deaths, migration, marriages, divorces, expectation of life, etc. up to 1982, for the ...
Statistical bulletin. Population. Up-dating of principal demographic series.
(Eurostat, 1981)
1 • [3!L) POPULATION eurostat I ________ ~.._____, 4.8.1981 UP-DATING OF PRINCIPAL DEMOGRAPHIC SERIES The recently issued EUROSTAT publication "Demographic Statistics, 1979" contains de-tailed figures of population by sex ...
Statistical bulletin. Population. Updating of Principal Demographic Series 1981.
(Eurostat, 1982)
Eurostat's annual publication "DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS 1980" contains detailed figures of the population by sex and age groups, births, deaths, mi-gration, marriages, divorces, expectation of life, etc. up to 1980, for the ...
Statistical bulletin. Population. Updating of Principal Demographic Series 1982.
(Eurostat, 1983)
Eurosta's annual publication "DEMOG HIC STATISTICS 1981" contains detailed figures of the population by sex and a e groups, births, deaths, migration, marriages, divorces, expectation of l"fe, etc. up to 1981, for the ...
Statistical bulletin. Population. Updating of Principal Demographic Series 1984.
(Eurostat, 1985)
EUROSTAT's annual publication "DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS" contains detailed figurep of the population by sex and age groups, births, deaths, migration, marriages, divorces, expectation of life, etc. up to 1984, for the ...
Statistical bulletin. Population. Updating of Principal Demographic Series 1983.
(Eurostat, 1984)
EUROSTAT's annual publication "DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS" contains detailed figures of the population by sex and age groups, births, deaths, migration, marriages, divorces, expectation of life, etc. up to 1982, for the ...
Rapid reports population and social conditions. A european community with a population of 345 million.
(Eurostat, 1991)
On 3 October 1990, the former German Democratic Republic became part of the European Community, and with this the area of the Community increased by 108 000 krrr and its population by 16 million. With a totalpopulation ...
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. First results of the demographic data collection for 2002 in Europe.
(Eurostat, 2003-07-06)
The objective of this publication is to provide some basic demographic information for 2002. However, given the timetable (rapid questionnaire sent out in April 2003 with a return date of May), not all countries could ...
Login Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. First results of the demographic data collection for 2001 in Europe.
(Eurostat, 2002-07-06)
The objective of this publication is to provide some basic demographic information for 2001. However, given the timetable (rapid questionnaire sent out in April 2002 with a return date of May), not all countries could ...
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Active population and labour market in the Mediterranean countries.
(Eurostat, 2002-10-17)
The population of the Mediterranean countries1 is currently relatively young, and it is forecast that the rates of growth in the active population of these countries will be amongst the highest in the world between 2000 ...