Now showing items 1-10 of 98
Statistical Telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.
(Eurostat, 1979-03-13)
Following a slight decline of 0. r;% in the Community as a whole, the number of unem-ployed persons registered at public employment offices at the end of June 1979 amount-ed to 5.6 million. As for the previous month, ...
Statistical Telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.
(Eurostat, 1978-03-16)
The situation with regard to unemployment in the Community ha~ shoWn very little change compared to the previous month. This may be seen both from the crude figures and those corrected for seasonality. Although the number ...
Statistical telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.
(Eurostat, 1977-04-18)
Between the end of February and the end of March, the number of registered unemployment in the European Community as a whole fell by a quarter of a million, that is, by 4·3 percent. At the end of March, some five and a ...
Statistical Telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.
(Eurostat, 1978-08-18)
The number of unemployed registered in the Community after having recorded the lowest level of the year in May and June, increased to 5.9 mn. at end July 1978. The percentage of registered unemployed in the civilian working ...
Statistical Telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.
(Eurostat, 1978-11-16)
In the Communl ty as a. whole, registered unemployment a.t the end of October 1978 amounted to 5.6% of the civilian working population. At the end of September the corresponding figure was 5·5%. In this period the total ...
Rapid Information. Employment and unemployment. Hours of Work: Main results of surveys at Community level
(Eurostat, 1979-10-08)
In the framework of discussions on work sharing, the Statistical Office presents in this document a selection of information from surveys which have been carried out at Community level and which have included data on hours ...
Statistical Telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.
(Eurostat, 1978-04-17)
At the end of March l978, 6,0 million unemployed persona were registered at public employment offices in the Community. This represents 5.7% of the civilian working population, compared with 5·9% at the end of February ...
Statistical Telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.
(Eurostat, 1977-07-19)
ln June 1977, the percentage of the working population registered as unemployed in the Community as a whole was 5.1%. This is slightly higher than in May 1917 {5-o%) and noticeably more than in June of last year (4.~). The ...
Rapid Information. Employment and unemployment. Employees by NACE: Classes of Industry in the Community 1974-1978.
(Eurostat, 1979-04)
Based on the latest results, available from harmonized statistics by NACE classes (Nomenclature of economic activities in the European Community), the Statistical Office estimates that the number of occupied employees has ...
Statistical telegram. Employment in the community 1973-1977: Principal results.
(Eurostat, 1978-10-25)
The tables which follow contain the principal results on the civilian working population and in civilian employment in the Member States of the Community in the last five years (1973-1977)· The data have been provided to ...