Now showing items 1-10 of 12
The state oflocal infrastructure investment in EuropeEIB Municipalities Survey 2020
(European Investment Bank, 2021-07)
The confluence of COVID-19 and the twin climate and digital transition has put public investment back on the policy agenda, with enhanced local investment important.In the context of ultra-low interest rates and stagnating ...
Forests at the heart of sustainable development. Investing in forests to meet biodiversity and climate goals
(European Investment Bank, 2022-12-22)
This report provides an overview of sustainability in the forestry sector. It sets out the benefits for society, describes the regulatory environment and examines the challenges encountered by companies and investors ...
The European Fund for Strategic Investments: the legacy
(European Investment Bank, 2021-01-29)
The architects of this €500 billion-plus programme, the head of the EU bank and the president of the European Commission, describe the genesis of this financial pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe. Then the people who ...
The EIB Climate Survey. The climate crisis in a COVID-19 world: calls for a green recovery.
(European Investment Bank, 2021-05-31)
The third edition of the EIB Climate Survey shows that COVID-19 has changed people’s perception of the climate emergency. Most Europeans now consider the pandemic to be the greatest challenge facing their countries, but ...
The EIB Climate Survey 2021-2022. Citizens call for green recovery.
(European Investment Bank, 2022-04-20)
Are policies to tackle climate change good news for the economy? What kind of impact do people expect in their daily lives?
The fourth edition of the EIB Climate Survey shows that a majority of Europeans are confident ...
What drives firms’ investment in climate action? Evidence from the 2022-2023 EIB Investment Survey
(European Investment Bank, 2023-06-15)
The European economy is experiencing significant turbulence as recurring crises reverberate across all
EU countries, their economies and business operations. Since 2020, shocks ranging from the COVID-19
pandemic to the ...
Evaluation of the FEMIP Trust Fund From 2004 to 2022
(European Investment Bank, 2023-05)
The Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership Trust Fund (FTF) was financed by 17
EU Member States, the United Kingdom, and the European Commission and is managed by the EIB.
The FTF aimed to help the ...
Trade disruptions in Europe: Evidence from the EIB Investment Survey 2022
(European Investment Bank, 2023-06)
Trade disruptions in Europe:
Evidence from the EIB Investment Survey 2022
Andrea Brasili – Peter Harasztosi
European Investment Bank
12 May 2023
Using firm level survey data we draw a portrait of incidence ...
European Investment Bank Evaluation Activity Report 2022 and Work Programme 2023-2025
(European Investment Bank, 2023-03-03)
The Evaluation function (IG/EV) of the European Investment Bank
Group promotes accountability through evidence-based
assessments of the Group’s performance and results. It also
contributes to learning, feedback and ...
Sustainability Reporting Disclosures in accordance with the GRI Standards EIB Group 2022
(European Investment Bank, 2022)
The EIB’s shareholders comprise all EU Member States which, in addition to paid-in capital, also undertake
to provide additional capital to such extent as may be required for the Bank to meet its obligations, upon
the ...