Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Glass in Europe at a crossroads: delivering a greener, energy-efficient industry, while enhancing competitiveness and maintaining quality jobs (own-initiative opinion)
(Council of Europe, 2021-10-20)
The EU is the world's biggest producer of glass with a market share of around one third of total world production. The industry is known for the quality of its products, its capacity for technological innovation and its ...
Foreign subsidies distorting the internal marketΞένες επιδοτήσεις που στρεβλώνουν την εσωτερική αγορά
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2021-06-07)
The EESC endorses the Commission proposal and agrees that action must be taken to bolster the instruments safeguarding the EU market and its businesses. This will entail plugging a gap in the legislative framework as regards ...
Notification on the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)
(Council of Europe, 2021-10-21)
The proposal introduces an amendment to aviation rules in the Emissions Trading System of the European Union (EU ETS) to implement Member States’ notification to EU-based airlines of the offsetting for the year 2021 under ...
The Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2021 (additional opinion)
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2021-04-20)
The EESC strongly believes in the importance of the next Semester cycle as a key instrument for implementing the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
However, it is still concerned about the lack of clarity in most Member ...
PRIIPs - extension of transitional arrangements
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2021-09-13)
Since the Committee endorses the contents of the proposal, it decided to issue an opinion endorsing the proposed text.
Key information documents by management companies of UCITS
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2021-09-21)
Climate action Successful experiences and promising practices from the 2021 EESC Civil Society Prize
(European Commisiom, 2022-02)
As the voice of organised civil society in Europe, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
brings together employers, trade unions and the diverse interests represented in the economic, civic,
professional and ...
Annunal activity report 2021 Section VI of the EU-budge
(European Commisiom, 2022-06)
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is an advisory body of the European
Union based in Brussels. Since it was set up in 1957, the EESC has provided a unique forum for
consultation, dialogue and consensus ...