Now showing items 1-10 of 362
Commission communication on the inclusion of respect for democratic principles and human rights in agreements between the Community and third countries
(Publications Office of the European Union, 1995-05-23)
Consumer Policy Action Plan 1999-2001 : Communication from the Commission
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998)
Report on the implementation of measures intended to promote observance of human rights and democratic principles (for 1995)
(Publications Office of the European Union, 1997-01-17)
The adaptation of workers to industrial change : European seminar : Toulouse, 22 and 23 January 1996 : Summary of the debates
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1996)
Flexibility and work organization : Report of Expert Working Group : Follow up to White Paper Growth, Competitiveness, Employment
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995)
European Coal and Steel Community : redeployment aid for workers
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994)
The allegoric recall of descriptive hypotheses of art: the painter Takis Marthas = Τάκης Μάρθας: Αλληγορική επαναφορά των παραστατικών υποθέσεων της τέχνης.
The meaning of educational manifestations and the participation of the intellectual man: and four artists
Groundwater quality and quantity in Europe
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999-06)