Now showing items 1-10 of 420
ABEL: summary of the Official Journal: user manual
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1988-05)
The economic and social situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, 19-20 March 1984.
(EU Commision, 1984-03-14)
This communication to the European Council embodies the main points set out in the document on the economic situation addressed to the Council (economic and financial affairs> and discussed by it at its meeting on 12 March ...
The economic and social situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, 3-4 December 1984.
(EU Commision, 1984-11-29)
The Commission's most recent assessment of the economic situation and the short-term outLook confirms and in some respects accentuates the prognosis which it <:ornmunicated to the European Council in June: the upturn in ...
The economic and social situation in the Community. Working paper of the Commission to the European Council, 29-30 March 1985.
(EU Commision, 1985-03-19)
At ·its last meeting in Dublin, the European Council underlined the priority given to the problem of unemployment. It considered that the guidelines uneploymented in the most recent Annual Economic Report should be speedily ...