Now showing items 301-310 of 310
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 2003 and 2004.
(EU Commission, 2005-08-18)
Article 7 of Council Regulation EC N° 405/2003 of 27th February 2003 concerning the Community monitoring of imports of hard coal from Third Countries1 provides that, “on the basis of the information ...
The market for solid fuels in the EU in 2004-2006 and trends in 2007.
(EU Commission, 2008-10-13)
From 2004 to 2006 total world coal production increased by 16% to 5,370 million tonnes (Mt). While European coal producers slightly decreased their coal production in 2004, the “B.R.I.C.” countries (Brazil, Russia, India ...
Report on progress in creating the internal gas and electricity market.
(EU Commission, 2005-11-15)
Europe is currently seeking means to re-launch its economic performance to achieve a higher level of growth and competitiveness. A reliable electricity and gas service at acceptable prices is the key to this and ...
Report on progress in creating the internal gas and electricity market. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.
(EU Commission, 2009-03-11)
The liberalisation of the EU's electricity and gas markets, which began several years ago, has contributed to the rejuvenation of the energy sector. It has helped to develop entrepreneurial potential in this sector, with ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 2001 and the outlook for 2002.
(EU Commission, 2002-07-27)
Member States have presented to the Commission their estimates of production, supply anddeliveries of coal and other solid fuels during 2001 and 2002. The data received from MemberStates is summarised in this ...
Annual report on the implementation of the gas and electricity internal market.
(EU Commission, 2005-01-05)
The new electricity and gas Directives1 were due to be transposed by Member States by July 2004 and the Regulation on cross border electricity exchanges2 also came into effect. The new rules are aimed at achieving to ...
Report from the Commission on the implementation of the gas and electricity internal market.
(EU Commission, 2005-01-05)
Fair network access conditions are crucial for the development of a competitive market. This refers to both the use of physical network access as well as for ancillary services such as the provision of balancing energy. ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 2007 and the outlook for 2008.
(EU Commission, 2009-10-28)
Article 7 paragraph (c) of the Council Regulation (EC) No 405/2003 of 27 February 2003 concerning Community monitoring of imports of hard coal originating in third countries, requires the Commission to report regularly and ...
Prospects for the internal gas and electricity market. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.
(EU Commission, 2007-01-01)
A competitive internal market for electricity and gas has been progressively implemented across the European Union since 1999-20001. Since then, regular annual “benchmarking” reports have been ...
Progress in creating the internal gas and electricity market. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.
(EU Commission, 2008-04-15)
The relevance of energy to Europe's growth and competitiveness is steadily increasing. Reliable energy services at acceptable prices for both industrial and household users continue to be a key factor in ...