Now showing items 21-30 of 39
Monthly external trade bulletin/Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur: 1976.9
(Eurostat, 1976)
The "Monthly External Trade Bulletin"
aims to provide the most rapid possible
information on the short-term development of Community foreign trade and
trade between Member States, and on the
position of the Community ...
Monthly external trade bulletin/Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur: 1977.2
(Eurostat, 1977)
The "Monthl y External Trade Bulletin"
aims to provide the most rapid possible
information on the short-term development of Community foreign trade and
trade between Member States, and on the
position of the Community ...
Monthly external trade bulletin/Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur: 1976.11
(Eurostat, 1976)
The "Monthly External Trade Bulletin"
aims to provide the most rapid possible
information on the short-term development of Community foreign trade and
trade between Member States, and on the
position of the Community ...
Monthly external trade bulletin/Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur: 1978.
(Eurostat, 1978-09)
The "Monthly External Trade Bulletin" aims
to provide the most rapid possible information on the short-term development of
Community foreign trade and trade between
Member States, and on the position of the
Community ...
Monthly external trade bulletin/Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur: 1977.11
(Eurostat, 1977)
The "Monthly External Trade Bulletin" aims
to provide the most rapid possible information on the short-term development of
Community foreign trade and trade between
Member States, and on the position of the
Community ...
Monthly external trade bulletin 1958-1975 Special Number
(Eurostat, 1976)
Monthly external trade bulletin/Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur: 1976.5
(Eurostat, 1976)
The "Monthly External Trade Bulletin" aim
to provide, as quickly as possible, information on the short-term development of the
foreign trade of the EC countries and the
position of the EC in relation to its competitors ...
Monthly external trade bulletin/Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur: 1958-1976 special number/numero speciale
(Eurostat, 1977)
In future the External Trade Statistics of the Community and statistics of trade between Member
States will be published in European Units of Account (EUA) as defined in Commission Decision
3289/75/ECSC of 18 December 1975
Login Monthly external trade bulletin/Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur: 1977.
(Eurostat, 1977)
The "Monthly External Trade Bulletin" aims
to provide the most rapid possible information on the short-term development of
Community foreign trade and trade between
Member States, and on the position of the
Community ...
Monthly external trade bulletin/Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur: 1978
(Eurostat, 1978-04)