Now showing items 21-30 of 61
The second annual report on the activities of the new European Social Fund. Financial year 1973.
(European Commission, 1973-07-03)
The Social Fund, created under the Treaty of Rome (Article 123 and seq.), undenvent a substantial reform in 1971, the essential elements of which are set out in Council Decision no 71/66. The purpose of these re-forms was ...
The first annual report on the activities of the new European Social Fund. Financial year 1972.
(European Commission, 1973-10-03)
Eighth report on the activities of European Social Fund 1980 financial year. Supplement to report: national reports on the activities of the European Social Fund in the Communty countries.
(European Commission, 1981-02-06)
Article 5 of the conunission Decision of 27 July 1978 on certaina&ninistrative pnocedures for the operation of the European socialFund, pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (nnc) No 2396/71 amendedby Regulation (EEc) No ...
First European social budget (1970 - 1975).
(European Commission, 1974-11-27)
European Social Budget. Communication from the Commmission to the Council.
(European Commission, 1975-12-15)
First European Social Budget (revised) 1970-1975.
(European Commission, 1976-05-12)
Commission Staff Working Document. European Year of Volunteering 2011 Evaluation Ex ante
(European Commission, 2009-06-03)
Volunteering is a core expression of civic participation and puts European values such as solidarity and non discrimination into action thereby contributing to the harmonious development ...
Expose sur l'evolution de la situation sociale dans la Communaute en 1964 (joint au huitieme rapport general sur l'activite de la Communaute). aout 1965 = Report on the development of the social situation in 1964 (annex to the Eighth general report on the activities of the Community).
(EU Commission, 1964-08)
La situation sociale dans la Communaut6 en 1964 a de nouveauprofit6 du fait que l'dvolution 6conomique, dans son ensemble, a 6td favorable:les revenus nominaux et r6els des travailleurs ont continu6 i augmenter; lasituation ...