Now showing items 271-280 of 310
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1991 and the outlook for 1992.
(EU Commission, 1992-03-27)
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1988 and the outlook for 1989.
(EU Commission, 1989-03-10)
Article 46 of the ECSC Treaty provides that the Commission ohal I, In order to provide guidance on tho course of action to be followed by al 1 concerned and to determine Its own course of action: "conduct a continuous study ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1990 and the outlook for 1991.
(EU Commission, 1991-03-19)
The Community coal market in 1981 and the outlook for 1982.
(EU Commission, 1982-03-04)
Throughout the wortd 1981 provided confirmation of the important part whichcoal ptays in the pLans to make more rationaL use of energy and to reducethe current dependence on oi[.One study after another has come to the ...
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1987 and the outlook for 1988.
(EU Commission, 1988-06-11)
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1986 and the outlook for 1987.
(EU Commission, 1987-07-24)
The market for solid fuels in the Community in 1990 and the outlook for 1991.
(EU Commission, 1991-09-27)
This report suroma.rizes the results obtaine:i in 1990 and gives the Member : States' forecasts for 1001, on the b3sis of information forwa.rded to t..lle Cormn.:Lssion in June 1001. Tile purpose of the report is to inform ...
The Community oil market, its oil refining industry, and the external trade in petroleum products.
(EU Commission, 1986-05-13)
Problems of the oil refining industry: progress report. Communication from the Commission to the Council.
(EU Commission, 1982-06-05)
Proposal for a Council Decision supplementary to the decision of 28 July 1982 on the granting of support for Community projects in the hydrocarbon sector (1982).
(EU Commission, 1982-11-08)
In its Decision of 28 July 1982, the Council granted support of 25 977 600 ECU for 36 technological development projects in the hydrocarbons sector