Now showing items 201-204 of 204
Financial report 2004
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communnities, 2005)
The economic recovery in the EU and euroarea, which started in the summer of 2003,lost some momentum. After a surprisinglystrong upside during the first half of 2004, thepace of expansion of economic ...
Financial report 2005
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communnities, 2006)
After growing at potential in 2004, the eco-nomic performance of both the euro area andthe EU was less dynamic in 2005. The aver-age growth rate of GDP for 2005 was 1.3 % inthe euro area and 1.5 % in the EU as a ...
Financial report. EU budget 2011
(EU Commission, 2012)
Financial report 2001
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communnities, 2002)