Now showing items 11-20 of 95
The Community coal market in 1976 and forecasts for 1977.
(Commission of the European Communities, 1977-07-04)
General coal market situation 1975 and forecasts for 1976.
(Commission of the European Communities, 1976-06-28)
General coal market situation - forecasts for 1975
(Commission of the European Communities, 1975-05-24)
Proposal for a Council decision on the grant of measures of support for Community projects in the hydrocarbons sector (1979).
(Commission of the European Communities, 1979-09-20)
Commission report to the Council on imports of crude oil into the Community.
(Commission of the European Communities, 1975-09-10)
Imports of crude oil into the Community -report made in conformity with Regulation (EEC) 1055/72 of the Council, to be transmitted to the Council under Article 5 of the above mentioned Regulation.
Imports of crude oil into the Community: Report on estimated levels during the first half of 1976 submitted by member countries in accordance with Council Regulation
(Commission of the European Communities, 1976-07-26)
Developments in the refining sector of the Community oil industry. Commmunication from the Commission to the Council.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communnities, 1978-12-07)
As in the past the Co!Ill1lission·has had a. series of meetings with individual · companies during which they provided details. of their current policies, · · 1978 performance a.n:d 1979 forecasts. Although information was ...
Seventh Report on Competition Policy (published in conjunction with the 'Eleventh General Report on the Activities of the Communities'). For year 1977.
(EU Commission, 1978-04)
The economy of Europe is undergoing a difficult period of transition. Much structuralweakness has become apparcnt or become worse following a reduction in demandeccompanied by increased pressure of imports. If structural ...
Seventeenth report on the activities of the Monetary Committee.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1975-12-31)
1975 was marked by an economic recession such as has not occurred since the 1930s. It affected all the industrialized countries and the non-oil-producing developing countries; its repercussions 'vere reflected in international ...
Twentieth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1978-12-31)
The expansion of world economic activitycontinued to be moderate in 1978. Growth rates bothof production and world trade were similar to thoseof 1977. The structure of balances of paymentsaltered greatly: on the one hand, ...