Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Etat previsionnel des depenses administratives de la Communaute pour l'exercice 1966-1967 = Estimate of administrative expenses of the Community for the financial year 1966-1967. April 1966
(European Commission, 1967)
Les Prf.sidents des quatre Institutions de lu Communauté européenne du cha~bon et de l'acier, vu l'article 78, puragrllphe 3 du Traité instituant la CommunautP. européenne du charbon et de l'acier, vu les urticles 1, 4 et ...
ECSC financial report for the year 1959
(European Commission, 1960-01-30)
The Fifth Financial Report of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community ·covers the calendar year 1959, this being its seventh y€ar of operation. In order to facilitate reading, the Report for 1959 and ...
Financial Report for the year 19 62
(European Commission, 1963-01-25)
The Eighth .F'inancial Heport of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community relates to the calendar year 1962, the tenth year of its operations. As described in detail in this Report, in 1962 the financial ...