Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Problems affecting the oil refining industry in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the Council.
(Commission of the European Communities, 1981-09-30)
Proposal for a Council Decision on the granting of support for Community projects in the hydrocarbons sector (1981) (presented by the Commission to the Council)
(Commission of the European Communities, 1981-07-14)
Revision of the report on the outlook for the Community coal market in 1981
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communnities, 1981-12-05)
The Community coal market in 1979 and forecasts for 1980.
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communnities, 1980-07-14)
The Community coal market in 1980 - outlook for 1981.
(Commission of the European Communities, 1981-05-25)
Proposal for a Council decision on the grant of measures of support for Community projects in the hydrocarbons sector (1980).
(Commission of the European Communities, 1980-07-18)
The Councit of the European Communities adopted Regulaiion (EEC) Nc.139561?3'on the support o"i* C*mmunity projects in the hvdrocarbofls rai;tolon 9 November 1973. This support is intended to promote techno[ogi*aLdeveIopment ...