Now showing items 1-5 of 5
2005 Enlargement strategy paper. Communication from the Commission.
(European Commission, 2005-11-09)
Enlargement is one of the EU’s most powerful policy tools. The pull of the EU has helped transform Central and Eastern Europe from communist regimes to modern, well-functioning democracies. ...
Annex to the 2003 report on Phare and the pre-accession instruments for Cyprus, Malta and Turkey. Country sections and additional information. Commission staff working document.
(European Commission, 2005-03-01)
As noted in the Commission’s latest Regular Report (November 2003), Bulgaria continued to make progress in meeting the accession criteria in 2003. Political developmentsBulgaria continued to fulfil the political criteria. ...
2003 Report on Phare and the pre-accession instruments for Cyprus, Malta and Turkey. Report from the Commission.
(European Commission, 2005-03-01)
This is the annual report by the European Commission to the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Economic and Social Committee, assessing the progress of Phare in the ten ...
Comprehensive monitoring report on the state of preparedness for EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania. Communication from the Commission.
(European Commission, 2005-10-25)
The accession negotiations with Bulgaria and Romania were concluded in December 2004 and a Treaty of Accession was signed in April 2005 with a view to welcoming both countries ...
Comprehensive monitoring report on the state of preparedness for EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania. Impact assessment. Commission staff working document annexed to the communication
(European Commission, 2005-10-25)
Enlargement policy is outside the realm of the Commission’s right of initiative and therefore not a policy which the Commission can, strictly speaking, propose on the basis of policy options and impact ...